“A girl, who is not descended on his mother’s side within the sixth degree and does not bear the same family name (Gotra) as his father’s. “Let a twice-born man (Braahman, Kshatriya, and Vaish) after having obtained the consent of his teacher and taken the bath ( prescribed for the ceremony of Return Home from the seminary), return home and espouse a maid, of his own Class, endowed with excellent qualities.” MANU. A female student possessed of the aforesaid qualification should also be honored in the same way by her father. “Let him, who has faithfully discharged his duties towards his preceptor and received from his father, – natural or spiritual (i.e., the teacher), the gift of the knowledge of the Veda, sit on an elegant bed, decked with a garland of flowers and let his father ( natural or spiritual) honor him with the present of a cow.” MANU. “Let a student boy or girl who has not violated his vows of Brahmachaarya(student-life), and has conducted himself, righteously according to the advice of his preceptor, enter married life after he has studied with their subsidiary sciences, the four Vedaas, three Vedas, two Vedas, or one Veda only.” MANU.